Top 4 Microservices Design Patterns

Microservices architecture provides many great benefits to its users like increasing productivity, developing scalable apps, etc. But do you know there are many design patterns that you can use with microservices architecture to get the most out of it? So, today we are sharing with you the top 4 design patterns that you can use to get the most out of microservices.

Database per Service

Once an organization implements microservices architecture and replaces monolithic architecture the next that they have to do is update the database of the app. The monolithic architecture uses one large database for an app and many people favor that the database of the app should not be updated even if the app is moved to microservice architecture. This might provide short-term benefits to an organization but in the long-term, it would not be able to get all the benefits of microservices. Thus to get the most out of the architecture you must provide each service its database or data store to make sure that all the services of an app are independent of each other and do not affect each other.

Learn how to create a database for microservices by joining Microservices Training Institute in India.

Event Sourcing

In a microservice architecture, each service needs to exchange data with the other. But this might affect their functioning and lead to cascading failure. However, you can solve this solve by implementing asynchronous communication or events for the exchange of data among different services. So, make sure you use events or asynchronous communication for the exchange of data among data services to make sure that services are not dependent upon each other and don’t affect each other’s functioning.

Backends for Frontends

In the microservice architecture, the backend and front end of an app are separated and are treated as separate services. Both of them are connected with the help of API/GraphQL. But if your app also has a mobile app client then you can’t use the same backend microservice with it because you might face many issues or problems due to it. This is mainly because the requirements of a mobile client app and web client app are very different from each other. However, you can easily solve this problem by creating a separate custom backend for each UI. Besides this, it also helps in eliminating chatty communication between downstream microservices and a particular UI.

Circuit Breaker

If the microservices communicate with each other synchronously for the exchange of data, then you might face issues due to it. Communication between services can fail due to slow network connection, timeouts, etc. As a result, you might face issues like cascading failure. However, you can easily solve this problem by using the circuit breaker design pattern.  In this design pattern, a service communicates with another microservice using a proxy that acts as an electrical circuit breaker. The proxy counts the number of times a microservice failed to connect with another service and decides whether to stop the communication process or return an exception.

Want to learn how to implement the circuit breaker design pattern? Enroll yourself in our Microservices training in Gurgaon today.


Microservice is a fabulous architectural style that allows a developer to deliver reliable, safe, and large applications in a short time to its customers and by using these design patterns you can further enhance the efficiency of your app. So, do use these design patterns while developing microservices to get the most out of the microservice architecture.

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